Comprehensive Guide to Functional Groups for Gold Nanoparticles | NanoPartz™

Gold Nanoparticles Ligands

List of Gold Nanoparticle Ligands, structure, primary use and binding affinity. Discover how various functional groups like citrate, amine, thiol, biotin, and more are used to functionalize gold nanoparticles. Learn how these groups enhance bioconjugation and targeting in fields like biotechnology, drug delivery, and nanotechnology.

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Ligand Structure Primary Use Binds To
Citrate Tri-carboxylate anion (C₆H₅O₇³⁻) Reducing and capping agent for nanoparticle stabilization Gold surface
NPC Nanopartz Proprietary Surface modification for enhanced stability in aqueous systems Metal oxides and gold surface
CTAB C₁₆H₃₃N(CH₃)₃⁺ Br⁻ (Quaternary ammonium surfactant) Stabilizing agent in nanoparticle synthesis Gold nanoparticles
PEI Branched polymer with amine groups (-NH₂) DNA binding and surface coating DNA, RNA, and negatively charged surfaces
PAH Linear polymer with primary amine groups Layer-by-layer assembly in coatings Negatively charged molecules, DNA, proteins
PAA Polymer with carboxyl groups (-COOH) Stabilization and surface functionalization Metal oxides, cations, proteins
PVP Linear polymer with pyrrolidone groups Stabilization in nanoparticle synthesis Hydrophobic surfaces, metal nanoparticles
BSA Protein with amino and carboxyl groups Protein coating and surface blocking Metal surfaces, proteins
Tannic Acid Polyphenol with multiple hydroxyl (-OH) groups Reducing and stabilizing agent Metal surfaces, proteins
SDS C₁₂H₂₅SO₄⁻ (anionic surfactant) Surfactant for stabilization Hydrophobic surfaces, proteins
Bare No modification Basic form of nanoparticles for further functionalization None
Alkyne Carbon-carbon triple bond (-C≡C) Bioconjugation via click chemistry Azides
Amine -NH₂ Surface functionalization and bioconjugation Carboxyl groups
Azide -N₃ Click chemistry for bioconjugation Alkynes
Biotin Vitamin B7 derivative Bioconjugation for targeted delivery Streptavidin, neutravidin
Carboxyl -COOH Functionalization for protein and peptide conjugation Amine groups
DBCO Strained alkyne Copper-free click chemistry Azides
GSH Tripeptide with -SH groups Surface functionalization and antioxidant Metal surfaces, proteins
HisTag Histidine residue sequence Protein purification Nickel (Ni²⁺) in Ni-NTA columns
Hydroxyl -OH Surface functionalization and hydrogen bonding Hydrogen bonds with various molecules
Maleimide -C₄H₄O₂N Crosslinking for bioconjugation Thiol groups
Methyl -CH₃ Hydrophobic surface modification Hydrophobic molecules
Neutravidin Biotin-binding protein Biotin-streptavidin conjugation Biotin
Ni Nickel-Nitrilotriacetic acid complex Protein purification His-tagged proteins
NHS Reactive ester Amine conjugation Amine groups on proteins or molecules
Streptavidin Protein that binds biotin High-affinity binding in bioconjugation Biotin
Thiol -SH Bioconjugation and surface functionalization Gold, maleimide, metals
Oligo (ssDNA) Single-stranded DNA DNA hybridization and molecular diagnostics Complementary DNA/RNA
dsDNA Double-stranded DNA Gene delivery and molecular sensing DNA-binding proteins
RNA Single-stranded RNA Gene silencing and sensing Complementary DNA/RNA
Peptides Chains of amino acids Targeted delivery and receptor binding Proteins, receptors
Antibody Y-shaped protein Targeted detection and delivery Specific antigens
Secondary Ab Antibody binding to primary antibodies Detection in immunoassays Primary antibodies
SAMs Self-assembled monolayers Surface functionalization for better stability Metal surfaces, typically gold