Small gold nanoparticles

Spherical Gold Nanoparticles (left to right) 0.9nm, 1.2nm, 1.8nm, 3nm, and 5nm

Nanopartz™ Custom Charged Gold Nanoparticles

Nanopartz™ Custom Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles includes the full line of monodisperse spherical, rod, microgold, and nanowire product familes for conjugation to customer specified charge requirements: negative, neutral, and positive. Not only is every batch completely purified, it is characterized including size, charge, monodispersity, aggregation, residual chemicals, and concentration. A Certificate of Analysis (COA) is provided for every order exhibiting TEM and UV-VIS images and data, as well as DLS data. Customers have a choice of radiation sterilization and endotoxin postprocessing.

» CC- Choose By Charge
Choose by Charge Spherical Gold Nanoparticles
Choose by Charge Spherical Gold Nanoparticles

Part Number: CC11
Example Part Number: 30nm diameter spherical gold nanoparticle, zero charge, 18MEG DD DI Water, 50 OD-mLs (2.5mg), in 1mL, Endotoxin Purified:
NEG (-30mV)
ZERO (0mV)
POS (+30mV)
OD-mLs = Optical Density x mLs
50 OD-mLs = 2.5mg Au
250 OD-mL = 12.5mg Au
Choose By Charge Gold Nanorods
Choose By Charge Gold Nanorods

Part Number: CC12
Example Part Number: 10nm diameter gold nanorod with an SPR=808nm, zero charge, 18MEG DD DI Water, 50 OD-mLs (1.75mg), in 1mL, Endotoxin Purified:
DIAM-SPR: Diameter (5nm, 10nm, 25nm, 40nm, 50nm and 70nm option) SPR = Longitudinal Surface Plasmon Resonance (550nm to 2100nm)
NEG (-30mV)
ZERO (0mV)
POS (+30mV)
OD-mLs = Optical Density x mLs
50 OD-mLs = 2.5mg for nanorods >=25nm, 1.75mg for nanorods 5nm and 10nm in diameter
Choose By Charge Microgold
Choose By Charge Microgold
Part# CC13-(LENGTH)-(CHARGE); 0.25mg in 1mL DIH Buffer.
500nm: 75x500nm
1000nm: 100x1000nm
2000nm: 150x2000nm
NEG (-30mV)
ZERO (0mV)
POS (+30mV)
Choose By Charge Gold Nanowires
Choose By Charge Gold Nanowires
Part# CC14-(LENGTH)-(CHARGE); 0.25mg in 1mL DIH Buffer
Lengths from 1000nm to 20000nm
NEG (-30mV)
ZERO (0mV)
POS (+30mV)





Part # Diameter (nm) Peak SPR Wavelength (nm) Optical Density (1cm) NPS/ml Wt. conc (mg/ml) Wt. % PPM Molarity (pM) Molar Ext. (M-1cm-1) AEsorption Molar Ext. (M-1cm-1) Scattering Molar Ext. (M-1cm-1) Size Dispersity %PDI Notes
CC11-1.8 1.8 505-508 50 4.25E+16 2.5 0.25% 2500 7.10E+07 7.05E+05 7.05E+05 0.00E+00 <35% 1,3
CC11-2.2 2.2 505-508 50 2.33E+16 2.5 0.25% 2500 3.90E+07 1.29E+06 1.29E+06 0.00E+00 <25% 1,3
CC11-3 3 505-508 50 9.19E+15 2.5 0.25% 2500 1.50E+07 3.26E+06 3.26E+06 0.00E+00 <20% 1,3
CC11-4 4 505-508 50 3.88E+15 2.5 0.25% 2500 6.50E+06 7.74E+06 7.74E+06 0.00E+00 <20% 1,3
CC11-5 5 505-508 50 1.99E+15 2.5 0.25% 2500 3.30E+06 1.51E+07 1.51E+07 0.00E+00 <20% 2,3
CC11-10 10 514-520 50 2.48E+14 2.5 0.25% 2500 4.10E+05 1.21E+08 1.21E+08 0.00E+00 <15% 2,3
CC11-15 15 514-520 50 7.35E+13 2.5 0.25% 2500 1.20E+05 4.08E+08 4.08E+08 0.00E+00 <15% 2,3
CC11-20 20 514-520 50 3.10E+13 2.5 0.25% 2500 5.20E+04 9.67E+08 9.67E+08 0.00E+00 <10% 2,3
CC11-25 25 514-520 50 1.59E+13 2.5 0.25% 2500 2.60E+04 1.89E+09 1.89E+09 0.00E+00 <10% 2
CC11-30 30 523 50 9.19E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 1.50E+04 3.26E+09 3.26E+09 0.00E+00 <6% 2
CC11-35 35 526 50 5.79E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 9.60E+03 5.18E+09 5.18E+09 0.00E+00 <6% 2
CC11-40 40 527 50 3.88E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 6.50E+03 7.74E+09 7.72E+09 2.24E+07 <4% 2
CC11-45 45 529 50 2.72E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 4.50E+03 1.10E+10 1.08E+10 2.03E+08 <4% 2
CC11-50 50 531 50 1.99E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 3.30E+03 1.51E+10 1.45E+10 5.88E+08 <4% 2
CC11-55 55 533 50 1.49E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 2.50E+03 2.01E+10 1.88E+10 1.30E+09 <4% 2
CC11-60 60 536 50 1.15E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 1.90E+03 2.61E+10 2.36E+10 2.48E+09 <4% 2
CC11-65 65 539 50 9.04E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 1.50E+03 3.32E+10 2.89E+10 4.33E+09 <4% 2
CC11-70 70 542 50 7.23E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 1.20E+03 4.15E+10 3.44E+10 7.09E+09 <4% 2
CC11-75 75 545 50 5.88E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 9.80E+02 5.10E+10 4.00E+10 1.10E+10 <4% 2
CC11-80 80 549 50 4.85E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 8.10E+02 6.19E+10 4.54E+10 1.65E+10 <4% 2
CC11-85 85 553 50 4.04E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 6.70E+02 7.42E+10 5.03E+10 2.39E+10 <4% 2
CC11-90 90 558 50 3.40E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 5.70E+02 8.81E+10 5.44E+10 3.37E+10 <4% 2
CC11-95 95 563 50 2.89E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 4.80E+02 1.04E+11 5.72E+10 4.65E+10 <4% 2
CC11-100 100 569 50 2.48E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 4.10E+02 1.21E+11 5.82E+10 6.27E+10 <4% 2
CC11-125 125 600 50 1.27E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 2.10E+02 2.36E+11 1.53E+11 8.32E+10 <4% 2
CC11-150 150 612 50 7.35E+10 2.5 0.25% 2500 1.20E+02 4.08E+11 2.64E+11 1.44E+11 <4% 2


Size accuracy +/- 0.1 nm
Capping agent is covalently bonded carboxyl
Size accuracy +/- 2 nm
Peak SPR does not determine size for d<20 nm
Vol is 25mL, 100mL, 500mL, 1000mL
%PDI = Std Dev/Size
See Tech Note TN801 for definition of terms and method of analysis
All specs typical. May vary batch to batch. Exact values are measured for each batch
OD >=50 for all sizes
Shape monodispersity (% spheres) > 99.9%
Solution is 18MEG DI water
Residual Chemicals < 0.1%








Part # Diameter (nm) Length (nm) Peak SPR Wave (nm) Aspect Ratio OD SPR (AU) Peak LSPR Wave (nm) OD LSPR (AU) Nanorod Vol (nm3) Nanorods /mL Wt. conc (mg/ml) Wt. % PPM Molarity (nM) SPR Molar Ext. (M-1cm-1) LSPR Molar Ext. (M-1cm-1) Peak SPR accuracy (nm) SPR Linewidth 80% (nm)
CC12-10-2100 10 175 2100 17.5 5 510 1 1.35E+04 6.73E+11 0.175 0.02% 175 1.12 4.46E+09 8.92E+08 1900-2300 300
CC12-10-1400 10 102 1400 10.2 5 510 1 7.77E+03 1.17E+12 0.175 0.02% 175 1.95 2.57E+09 5.14E+08 1300-1500 150
CC12-10-1200 10 81 1200 8.1 5 510 1 6.13E+03 1.48E+12 0.175 0.02% 175 2.47 2.03E+09 4.05E+08 1132-1300 150
CC12-10-1064 10 67 1064 6.7 50 510 10 5.02E+03 1.81E+13 1.75 0.18% 1750 30.13 1.66E+09 3.32E+08 1022-1132 150
CC12-10-980 10 59 980 5.9 50 510 10 4.33E+03 2.09E+13 1.75 0.18% 1750 34.91 1.43E+09 2.86E+08 965-1022 150
CC12-10-950 10 55 950 5.5 50 510 10 4.09E+03 2.22E+13 1.75 0.18% 1750 37 1.35E+09 2.70E+08 925-965 150
CC12-10-900 10 50 900 5 50 510 10 3.68E+03 2.47E+13 1.75 0.18% 1750 41.11 1.22E+09 2.43E+08 875-925 150
CC12-10-850 10 45 850 4.5 50 510 10 3.27E+03 2.78E+13 1.75 0.18% 1750 46.25 1.08E+09 2.16E+08 829-875 100
CC12-10-808 10 41 808 4.1 50 510 10 2.93E+03 3.10E+13 1.75 0.18% 1750 51.68 9.68E+08 1.94E+08 794-829 75
CC12-10-780 10 38 780 3.8 50 510 10 2.70E+03 3.36E+13 1.75 0.18% 1750 56.06 8.92E+08 1.78E+08 765-794 65
CC12-10-750 10 35 750 3.5 50 510 10 2.45E+03 3.70E+13 1.75 0.18% 1750 61.67 8.11E+08 1.62E+08 725-765 50
CC12-10-700 10 29 700 2.9 50 510 10 2.04E+03 4.44E+13 1.75 0.18% 1750 74 6.76E+08 1.35E+08 675-725 40
CC12-10-650 10 24 650 2.4 50 510 10 1.64E+03 5.55E+13 1.75 0.18% 1750 92.5 5.41E+08 1.08E+08 625-675 40
CC12-10-600 10 19 600 1.9 50 510 10 1.23E+03 7.40E+13 1.75 0.18% 1750 123.34 4.05E+08 8.11E+07 575-625 40
CC12-25-1400 25 245 1400 9.8 5 514 1 1.16E+05 1.12E+11 0.25 0.03% 250 0.19 2.69E+10 5.37E+09 1232-1500 150
CC12-25-1064 25 137 1064 5.5 5 514 1 6.31E+04 2.05E+11 0.25 0.03% 250 0.34 1.46E+10 2.92E+09 1022-1232 150
CC12-25-980 25 119 980 4.8 50 514 10 5.43E+04 2.39E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 3.98 1.26E+10 2.51E+09 965-1022 150
CC12-25-950 25 102 950 4.1 50 514 10 4.60E+04 2.82E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 4.7 1.06E+10 2.13E+09 925-965 150
CC12-25-900 25 96 900 3.8 50 514 10 4.30E+04 3.01E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 5.02 9.95E+09 1.99E+09 875-925 150
CC12-25-850 25 93 850 3.7 50 514 10 4.15E+04 3.12E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 5.2 9.61E+09 1.92E+09 829-875 150
CC12-25-808 25 90 808 3.6 50 514 10 4.01E+04 3.24E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 5.39 9.27E+09 1.85E+09 794-829 150
CC12-25-780 25 87 780 3.5 50 514 10 3.86E+04 3.36E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 5.6 8.93E+09 1.79E+09 765-794 150
CC12-25-750 25 85 750 3.4 50 514 10 3.76E+04 3.45E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 5.75 8.70E+09 1.74E+09 725-765 65
CC12-25-700 25 75 700 3 50 514 10 3.27E+04 3.96E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 6.61 7.57E+09 1.51E+09 675-725 60
CC12-25-650 25 71 650 2.8 50 514 10 3.07E+04 4.22E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 7.03 7.11E+09 1.42E+09 625-675 60
CC12-25-600 25 57 600 2.3 50 514 10 2.39E+04 5.43E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 9.05 5.52E+09 1.10E+09 575-625 60
CC12-25-550 25 34 550 1.4 50 514 10 1.28E+04 1.01E+13 2.5 0.25% 2500 16.91 2.96E+09 5.91E+08 525-575 60
CC12-40-850 40 148 850 3.7 50 520 10 1.69E+05 7.67E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 1.28 3.91E+10 7.83E+09 829-875 60
CC12-40-808 40 134 808 3.4 50 520 10 1.52E+05 8.56E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 1.43 3.51E+10 7.01E+09 794-829 60
CC12-40-780 40 124 780 3.1 50 520 10 1.39E+05 9.33E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 1.55 3.22E+10 6.43E+09 765-794 60
CC12-40-750 40 112 750 2.8 50 520 10 1.24E+05 1.05E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 1.74 2.87E+10 5.73E+09 725-765 60
CC12-40-700 40 92 700 2.3 50 520 10 9.88E+04 1.31E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 2.19 2.29E+10 4.57E+09 675-725 60
CC12-40-650 40 80 650 2 50 520 10 8.37E+04 1.55E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 2.58 1.94E+10 3.87E+09 625-675 60
CC12-40-600 40 68 600 1.7 50 520 10 6.87E+04 1.89E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 3.15 1.59E+10 3.18E+09 575-625 60
CC12-40-550 40 60 550 1.5 50 520 10 5.86E+04 2.21E+12 2.5 0.25% 2500 3.69 1.36E+10 2.71E+09 525-575 60
CC12-50-800 50 145 800 2.9 50 530 10 2.52E+05 5.15E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 0.86 5.83E+10 1.17E+10 750-825 60
CC12-50-700 50 110 700 2.2 50 530 10 1.83E+05 7.08E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 1.18 4.24E+10 8.48E+09 650-750 60
CC12-50-600 50 100 600 2 50 530 10 1.64E+05 7.93E+11 2.5 0.25% 2500 1.32 3.78E+10 7.57E+09 550-650 60




Part # Diameter (nm) Length (nm) Aspect Ratio Peak SPR Wave (nm) SPR OD (1cm) Microgold Vol (nm3) Microgold /mL Wt. conc (ug/ml) Wt. % PPM Molarity (pM) SPR Molar Ext. (M-1cm-1)
CC13-500 75 500 6.7 510 0.25 2.10E+06 1.24E+09 50 0.01% 50 2.06 1.21E+08
CC13-1000 100 1000 10 510 0.25 7.59E+06 3.42E+08 50 0.01% 50 0.57 4.39E+08





Part # Diameter (nm) Length (nm) Aspect Ratio Peak SPR Wave (nm) Nanowires Vol (nm3) Nanowires /mL Wt. conc (ug/ml) Wt. % PPM Molarity (pM) SPR Molar Ext. (M-1cm-1)
CC14-1000 75 1000 13 510 4.31E+06 3.01E+09 250 0.03% 250 5.02 9.96E+06
CC14-2000 75 2000 27 510 8.72E+06 1.49E+09 250 0.03% 250 2.48 2.02E+07
CC14-4000 75 4000 53 510 1.76E+07 7.39E+08 250 0.03% 250 1.23 4.06E+07
CC14-6000 75 6000 80 510 2.64E+07 4.91E+08 250 0.03% 250 0.82 6.10E+07
CC14-10000 75 10000 133 510 4.40E+07 2.94E+08 250 0.03% 250 0.49 1.02E+08





These gold nanoparticles are shipped concentrated in water.


These particles are non cyctoxic.


This product is available in OD=50 for the nanorods and spheres, and 0.25mg for the microgold and nanowires. For orders larger than 5mg, or for orders amounting over 100mg per annum, please contact sales for quantity pricing.


All gold nanoparticles are in stock. Conjugation depends on materials needed. If in stock, the product is ready in 24 hours and will ship fedex. Overnight service is not required for this product and it will ship on weekends.


Polymer coating with an SH- basedSH- based branched and straight methyl, carboxyl, amine and bromine polymers with different MWs from 5KDa to 40KDa, all manufactured by Nanopartz. Purification is a multistep dialysis resulting in less than 0.01% w-w reactants. Zeta potential ranges from -30mV to +30mV for all particles.


DI water.

Shelf Life/Storage Temperature

This product is guaranteed for two months and should be stored in a non freezing refrigerator.


Customers have a choice of sterilization and endotoxin free forms.


This product is manufactured using our audited ISO 9000/2001 quality control system. Every order comes with a Certification of Analysis that includes the following information. We use NIST traceable:

UV-VIS (Agilent 8453) for extinction and concentration measurements

NIR (Cary 500) for NIR extinction and concentration measurements

DLS (Malvern Nano ZS) for zeta potential measurement

ICP-MS (Varian 820-MS) for gold mass measurements

TEM (Phillips CM-100 100KV) for sizing

These particles utilize Nanopartz™ expertise as world leaders in gold conjugation and polymer coatings. Utilizing Nanopartz™ capabilities, customers now have the ability to create specific charged particles. custom charges on gold nanoparticles. Customers detail the charge desired, and Nanopartz™ provide the resultant product completely characterized using NIST traceable TEM, UV VIS, DLS, HPLC, and ICP instrumentation. Most importantly, the customer will know the exact zeta potential of the nanoparticles and will be given options for sterilization and for endotoxin free products.


  1. Stable
  2. Well Characterized
  3. Customer can select gold nanoparticle type, size and/or SPR and charge
  1. Customer can focus on research and not on Nanopartz™ expertise
  2. Quick turnaround

carbon nanoparticles

Choose By Charge Gold Nanoparticles

What is the exact charge on the particles?

That will be determined via DLS Zeta measurements and included on the COA. In general, the charges are -30, 0, and +30mV.

Can I choose any buffer?

That depends on the requested conjugation, but in general, yes. We will advise if we don't think that a particular buffer is optimal for a particular product.

Can you help me put together procedures to use the product?


Can you perform these conjugations and still keep the nanorod SPR where I specify?


Can you work with very short covalent ligands, like 4 carbon lengths and have the particles stable?


"We were previously making our own gold nanoparticles using the commonly used technique of citrate reduction of Au(III). The colloids generated are broadly polydisperse, and we were concerned that our application of these particles in immuno-gold labeling of cells for optical coherence microscopy (OCM) would be utilizing only the large diameter tail of the distribution. We purchased the sampler package of NanoPartz gold spheres (30 nm, 50 nm, 70 nm, 90 nm) and examined each size carefully with dynamic light scattering, OCM, and spectrophotometry. Our measurements indicated diameters a couple nanometers larger than specifications (a result of measurements on the fully hydrated state?), and remarkable monodispersity - within specs. It is clear to us now that our early immuno-gold results were dominated by the largest diameter spheres of our early colloids. We are delighted by the NanoPartz monodisperse preparations and recommend them strongly!"

Dr. Richard C. Haskell 
Professor of Physics & Director of Physics Clinic 
Physics Department 
Harvey Mudd College

"The scientists at Nanopartz have developed a line of colloidal gold nanorods with extremely high monodispersity in size, shape, and mass. The surfactant layer is highly stable and readily displaced for biofunctionalization. In every test, in vitro and in vivo, these materials have exceeded our expectations."

Geoffrey A. von Maltzahn
NSF and Whitaker Graduate Fellow
Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology
Laboratory for Multiscale Regenerative Technologies


Chromatogram Analysis on Revealing Aggregated Number and Location of Gold Nanoparticles Within Living Cells

SH Wang, CW Lee, MY Pan, SY Hsieh, FG Tseng… - Plasmonics, 2015 - Springer
... The 50-nm diameters of gold nanospheres were obtained from Nanopartz with original particle
concentrations of approximately 4.5 × 10 10 particles per milliliter, respectively. 3-Aminopropyl-
triethoxysilane (APTES, ≧98 %) and poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH, M w ...


Imaging of epidermal growth factor receptor on single breast cancer cells using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

L Xiao, S Harihar, DR Welch, A Zhou - Analytica chimica acta, 2014 - Elsevier
... were purchased from commercial source and were used as received: gold nanorods (5.1 × 10
11 particles mL −1 , Nanopartz Inc., USA ... ratio of 1:10,000, conjugating the reporter molecules
onto GNRs through Au-S interaction; (2) polyallylamine hydrochloride (PAH) solution (28 ...


Gold Nanorods Sense the Ultrafast Viscoelastic Deformation of Polymers upon Molecular Strain Actuation

ES Pavlenko, M Sander, Q Cui… - The Journal of Physical …, 2016 - ACS Publications
... figure Figure 1. Schematic of the sample composed of an Azo-functionalized optoacoustic
transducer (PAzo/PAH), a transparent PSS/PAH layer for the free propagation of
hyper-sound-waves with sparsely distributed gold nanorods (GNR) on the surface. ...


[HTML] Membrane roughness as a sensitive parameter reflecting the status of neuronal cells in response to chemical and nanoparticle treatments

CW Lee, LL Jang, HJ Pan… - Journal of …, 2016 - jnanobiotechnology.biomedcentral. …
... The 30 nm AuNPs were purchased from Nanopartz Inc. (Loveland, CO, USA). ... Then the AuNPs
were re-dispersed with 200 μL de-ionized water and then added into 1 mL of 0.1 wt%
poly-allylamine hydrochloride (PAH, molecular weight ~15,000, Sigma-Aldrich Corp., St. ...


[HTML] Detection of Adhesion Molecules on Inflamed Macrophages at Early-Stage Using SERS Probe Gold Nanorods

D Pissuwan, Y Hattori - Nano-Micro Letters, 2017 - Springer
... GNRs (1000 µL) obtained from Nanopartz were mixed with 10 mM 4-Mercaptobenzoic acid (4MBA,
10 µL) under vigorous stirring for 2 h and then ... was re-dispersed in 300 µL milli-Q water, followed
by the addition of 10 mg mL −1 poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH;100 µL ...


Dose dependent distribution and aggregation of gold nanoparticles within human lung adeno-carcinoma cells

SH Wang, CW Lee, KC Shen, FG Tseng, PK Wei - RSC Advances, 2015 -
... Gold nanospheres with a diameter of 50 nm were obtained from Nanopartz with original particle
concentrations of approximately 5.38 × 10 10 particles per milliliter. Poly(allylamine hydrochloride)
(PAH, M w ∼ 15 000), dynasore, glutaraldehyde and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO ...