Enhancing Optical Projection Tomography with NanoPartz Gold Nanoparticles


NanoPartz gold nanoparticles are at the cutting edge of enhancing imaging techniques such as Optical Projection Tomography (OPT). These nanoparticles are designed to provide superior contrast and enable targeted imaging, making them invaluable in both biological and materials science research. Leveraging the unique optical properties of gold, NanoPartz nanoparticles offer an unparalleled level of detail and specificity in 3D imaging, significantly improving the capabilities of OPT.


Optical Projection Tomography/Fluorophore image using Nanopartz fluorophore labeled gold nanorods

Images of Nanopartz fluorophore Labeled in vivo gold nanorods. Surface renderings of the bone and gold from (a), (d), and (g) micro-CT and (b), (e), and (h) OPT images showing fluorescence, and (c), (f), and (i) with the soft tissue shown (transparent) of mouse #7 (top), #9 (middle), and #5 (bottom). From (1).

What is Optical Projection Tomography (OPT)?

Optical Projection Tomography (OPT) is a powerful imaging technique that allows researchers to visualize small biological specimens, such as embryos, tissues, and organoids, in three dimensions. OPT is particularly useful for studying samples that are a few millimeters to a few centimeters in size, offering high-resolution volumetric images that are essential for detailed morphological studies.

The Role of NanoPartz Gold Nanoparticles in OPT

1. Enhanced Contrast in Imaging

NanoPartz gold nanoparticles serve as highly effective contrast agents in OPT due to their strong optical properties. These nanoparticles improve the differentiation of structures within a sample, making it easier to visualize specific regions with greater clarity. Their high atomic number allows them to scatter light efficiently, which enhances the contrast and resolution of the resulting 3D images.

2. Targeted Imaging Capabilities

NanoPartz gold nanoparticles can be functionalized with specific biomolecules, enabling precise targeting of particular tissues, cells, or molecular markers. This targeting capability is crucial for applications such as tumor imaging, where researchers need to track the distribution of cancerous cells or monitor the efficacy of treatment interventions.

3. Fluorescence for Multi-Modal Imaging

Fluorescently labeled gold nanoparticles provide dual-modality imaging capabilities, as demonstrated in the study by Kozomara and Ford (2020). These nanoparticles are detectable in both micro-CT and OPT, allowing researchers to correlate the two imaging modalities for more comprehensive analysis. The fluorescence enables visualization under optical microscopy, while the gold core enhances contrast in X-ray-based imaging techniques like micro-CT.

4. Applications in Biological and Medical Research

NanoPartz gold nanoparticles are widely used in biological research to visualize soft tissues, blood vessels, and other structures within small animal models or tissue samples. The enhanced contrast and targeting capabilities make these nanoparticles ideal for studying disease processes, tissue regeneration, and the effects of therapeutic interventions.

Reference List

  1. Kozomara, S., & Ford, N. L. (2020). Detectability of fluorescent gold nanoparticles under micro-CT and optical projection tomography imaging. Journal of Medical Imaging, 7(2), 026002. https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JMI.7.2.026002

  2. Additional references can include:

    • Smith, B. R., & Gambhir, S. S. (2017). Nanomaterials for In Vivo Imaging. Chemical Reviews, 117(19), 9018–9057. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00064
    • Jain, P. K., Lee, K. S., El-Sayed, I. H., & El-Sayed, M. A. (2006). Calculated Absorption and Scattering Properties of Gold Nanoparticles of Different Size, Shape, and Composition: Applications in Biological Imaging and Biomedicine. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110(14), 7238–7248. https://doi.org/10.1021/jp057170o

Why Choose NanoPartz Gold Nanoparticles?

  • High Purity and Consistency: NanoPartz gold nanoparticles are produced with meticulous attention to quality, ensuring reliable and reproducible results in your OPT studies.
  • Customizable Solutions: NanoPartz offers customizable nanoparticle solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of your research, whether it involves specific functionalizations or desired sizes.
  • Proven Effectiveness: Researchers worldwide trust NanoPartz gold nanoparticles for their exceptional performance in advanced imaging techniques like OPT.


NanoPartz gold nanoparticles are revolutionizing Optical Projection Tomography by providing enhanced contrast, targeted imaging capabilities, and multi-modal imaging potential. Whether you’re engaged in biological research, disease modeling, or advanced material studies, these nanoparticles will significantly elevate the quality and depth of your imaging results.

Go here to purchase Nanopartz Fluorophore Labeled Gold Nanoparticles as used in the Kozomara and Ford article

Go here to purchase Nanopartz Gold Nanoparticles for in vitro applications

Go here to purchase Nanopartz Gold Nanoparticles for in vivo applications

